Better On Your Own

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This song is kind of the crux of the entire EP for me. I had written “are you better on your own”  in my journal years ago at the beginning of my relationship, as my anxieties heightened. I think everyone on some level has dealt with a version of these thoughts; do they really love me, would they leave if somebody else came along, am I good enough, etc.

I wrote an entire record about these fears. Better On Your Own is particularly special to me, because it felt anthemic sonically, while lyrically delving into my unraveling state of mind at the time. I felt intensely vulnerable recording this, but freed by putting these fears somewhere tangible.


Part of the sweetness of this song lies in the last lyrics of the chorus “And I would never lie / so I’ll try to think you’re better being mine.” 

Even if I couldn’t see my worth at the time, I was willing to try, because somewhere deep down, I had hope that my fears were lying to me. I hope you love listening to it as much as I loved writing it

Xx K


Something To Miss


Wish I Could Be Your Girl